
Miso-Curry Delicata Squash with Sweet Potatoes & Kale

Delicata squash de-seeded & sliced

Sqash & sweet potatoes covered in salty miso curry glaze
Kale removed from center stalk & roughly chopped

Deliciousness - kale, squash, sweet potatoes & delicata squash
A dish that incorporates delicata squash, sweet potatoes, pepitas (green pumpkin seeds) & kale is what I consider soul food! It's nourishing, from the earth and layered with sweet & salty flavors. Enjoy this little gem of a recipe, another Super Natural Everyday experiment gone well.

Miso-Curry Delicata Squash with Sweet Potatoes & Kale

12 ounces delicata squash (long, small yellow with green striped squash or peeled & cubed butternut squash)
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup miso paste (red or white)
1 tbsp red Thai curry paste
1 lemon, freshly juiced
1 medium sweet potatoes, peeled & cut into small chunks
1 1/2 cups chopped kale, center stems removed
1/3 cup pepitas, toasted, or tamari pumpkin seeds (look for them in the bulk section)
2/3 cup chopped fresh cilantro

1.     Preheat the oven to 400° with a rack in the middle of the oven.

2.     Cut the delicata squash in half lengthwise and use a spoon to clear out all the seeds. Cut into 1/2 inch thick half-moons. The skin of this squash is edible so don’t worry that you haven’t peeled it.

3.     In a small bowl, whisk together olive oil, miso, curry paste & lemon juice. Combine the sweet potatoes and squash in a large bowl with 1/3 cup of the miso-curry paste. Use your hands to toss well, then turn the vegetables onto a rimmed baking sheet; arrange in a single layer. Reserve bowl for later use in step 4. Roast for 15 minutes, until the veggies are starting to brown.  Pull out of oven; using tongs, mix the veggies & let rest before proceeding to the next step.

4.     Using the original squash bowl, toss the remaining curry paste mixture with the kale leaves. Once coated add the kale to the baking tray with the squash & sweet potato. Toss everything together as gently as possible. Put tray back in the oven and continue roasting for 10-15 more minutes. Keep a close watch to avoid burnt squash or potatoes.

5.     Toss the roasted vegetables gently with pepitas and cilantro. Serve family style in a large bowl or on a platter.

Note: to make this a meal, serve with your favorite grain such as quinoa. Toast pepitas in a hot, dry, large skillet until golden brown and puffed, about 5 minutes with continuous movement in the skillet.

Recipe adapted from Super Natural Everyday